Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Number 25: Host my own pub quiz

Challenge number 25  has been well and truly ticked off, as last night I hosted my first pub quiz at the Marquess tavern in Islington. Having done a bit of stand up and considering myself to have quite a loud voice, I naively assumed that doing a pub quiz would be a doddle. Half an hour into last nights quiz as a red faced Irish man was screaming into my face "whats a fucking Dingbat?", I was beginning to reevaluate that assumption.
My journey into Pub Quiz Mastering began a couple of weeks ago. Whilst scouring the web for any job that would enable me to keep eating, I came across a job description that didn't make me want to kill myself on first read. The next night I'm sat in a pub In Holloway road with Dave and Mike the men behind define entertainment. Basically the lads have set up quizzes in pubs all around the smoke and are doing that well they now need to take on some help. They were satisfied I fitted the bill and for me it importantly ticked off a challenge as well as paid a much needed bit of cash. I mean how hard could it be really. The lads prepare the quizzes, I steam in at 7.45 and let em have it.
The first thing I realised about pub quizzing is that it is quite a serious business to some. A lot of the quizzers in Islington last night were expecting Dave, a genial, relaxed Australian and not a stressed out little Welsh bald bloke who had brought his Dad for support. Whether it was the ten minute wait while I hyperventilated trying to play a song clip or my mispronunciation of the French word for black pudding, some of the punters let me know that I needed to step up. I've never questioned the answer to a pub quiz before but I suppose I was always too arseholed to care by the end anyway.
Halfway through the evening I was starting to flag but then it picked up.I started to throw in a gag or two, the elderly couple who I'd heard say I was badly organised began to smile, the drunk men in the corner stopped challenging every question and the young team who lost by at least twenty points offered me some Monster Munch. They had excepted me! The sneering group of intellectuals who had made me repeat a question four times, started to melt a bit. A table give me two of their milky ways from winning a prize as they could hear my stomach growling. Best of all a bearded old man who had won a hundred pounds treated me and my Dad to a pint.At the end of the quiz I sat a broken man:

But a happy man. Task 25 achieved and some lessons learnt:

Always read the questions through before you do a quiz.If you don't understand them and you are the quiz master, it doesn't breed confidence.
Mother Theresa is from Albania not Austria. This is important.
"Fat kids are harder to kidnap" is quite possibly the best name for a pub quiz team I have ever heard.

So if you are in the Islington area on a Tuesday night, roll down and give me support. Don't enter the quiz though.If you win and they find out you know me, we will both get buried in Hackney marshes.
Slaters xxxxxxxxx

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