Friday, March 4, 2011

Number 4: Swim in Hyde park lake in Speedos

Number four ticked off then and despite a serious amount of genital shrinkage and the embarrassment of having to put on a swim cap I have come out the other side unscathed!Before and after photos posted above.
As you can see by my lobster  like complexion,  it wasn't warm in there.The more experienced old timers in the changing rooms were happy to inform us it was about four degrees. Arriving at Hyde park this morning I was feeling a little bit apprehensive. It was March, It was fresh water, I was going to go in wearing a tiny little speedo. At least I wasn't alone in this adventure though. My erstwhile camera man, partner in dole and "friend" Lee Gant was on hand to offer support. When I mentioned my worry of a shock induced heart attack on entry to the water he said:
" It's actually worse for young people to have a heart attack cos the hearts beating more. You'd be dead within seconds."
Nice one. Our arrival at the Serpentine swimming clubhouse caused a bit of a stir. The gaffer of the club seemed a little hostile and met our enquiry as to where the sign in book was with some brutal sarcasm.
"It's the book that says sign in on the front" he sneered. Don't rest on your laurels with this gagsmith about Ricky Gervais!
The majority of the other members were lovely though, one old dear even lent me her spare swimcap which I was informed was a necessity if you were going to go in. Imagine my horror later on as Gantie went in aunatural after I had taken the plunge looking the a buff member of the coccon cast.
Speedo on, I timidly made my way on blotchy corn beef legs to the water. With the swans waiting there was nothing else to do but get in. I lowered myself in and braced myself for pain. If I'm honest it was absolutely horrible but not as bad as I'd built it up to be in my head. I managed two pathetic widths, all captured on video which i will upload here soon. I lowered myself in and now wish i had gone for the dive although in doing this later Gantie did nearly give himself a self inflicted skin graft due to the shallow water. Getting out of the pool I felt aglow and ready to take on the world until I remembered I was wearing a skin tight speedo and that my penis had shrunk to the size of half a wotsit slumbering on two funsize maltesers. Not to worry though, Challenge number four completed! My only regret is that I didn't nick the swimcap.

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