Another challenge completed then and not the most physically taxing of my list. The idea of getting my palm read occurred mainly because a mate of mine Aliwyn, is a top notch palm reader, and also because I thought that at the least it would be very interesting. I meet Ali at a pub in Holborn and she fills me in a bit on the science of palm reading. Basically I realise that shes not going to tell me the exact date of my wedding or next weeks euro millions numbers, rather the possibilities that lie ahead for me,
I must admit that I was relieved to find out I have a strong life line and barring any tragedies I should be able to at least see out this blog. Ali was also able to tell me that my line riddled hand ,that I had often been mocked for as being like a pensioners, simply meant that I was bursting with energy and creativity. The biggest results of the reading were:
A: I have a feint but readable success line, which many people don't have!
B: I am far too sensitive to ever be a murderer!
So as long as I keep chipping away at the writing lark there is every chance that I may end up doing it professionally one day. In these troubling times for the British economy it was also good to hear that i will always find steady work.After finishing the reading and letting it settle in I actually felt really good. Until I realised that I have no excuses. If the palms had said that it wasn't really my fault I could have resigned my self to a life of self loathing and special brew. The palms have spoken and I have a success line to live up to, one more episode of Scubs and I'll get cracking!Photo below of me and the talented Aliwyn Cole.
Six challenges completed, twenty four to go and now just 110 days till Thirty.
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