Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Alright? Welcome to what I hope will be a waste of neither of our lives, rather a bit of a laugh and an opportunity to share a bit of writing. I have had an account on here since 2008 and haven't actually written anything, hence the title. I have always feared blogs a little bit, mainly because they can sometimes sum up how self involved people have got these days. I will endeavour to always write something entertaining and amusing up here and steer clear of updating you on my eating habits, opinions on things I'm not really informed about or intention to self harm.
I am currently looking for a job so the regularity of these updates will differ according to whether I'm interviewing, desperately looking for work or weeping into my duvet and watching Scrubs. I am 30 in five and a half months and that will probably be a recurring feature of these updates.At the moment I am working on a list of 30 things to do before I hit the big one and will post it on here as impetus to actually tick a few off. Most of you will know who I am and what I do but if you don't I aspire to write and perform sketch comedy, have a girlfriend who is far too fit for me and I am male pattern bald.
As you can see the background for this piece is a lovely, bubbly pint of lager. It's not ironic, I do enjoy the taste of lager and will probably have one later.
Cheers for popping in, hope I can brighten up a lunch break or two at some point. Slaters. xx

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