Monday, May 30, 2011

Number 9: Do 5000 push ups in a week.

A challenge that I actually completed a few weeks ago but negated to write up. Some of these challenges haven't been as hard as I thought they would be, some have been a lot harder. This was every bit as horrible as I thought it would be. I probably didn't help myself by attempting this task in the first week of May, a month in which i had also decided to give up eating meat. Doing over 1000 push ups a day on chicken breasts would have been difficult, doing it on bananas, humus and quorn mince was torture.
I had set myself a bit of a schedule of doing about a 1000 a day on most days but having two days with 500 thus stretching them out over a seven day week. This all went to shit when on the Wednesday thanks to a bad case of the sniffles I didn't do any at all, preferring to sip lemsip and watch My Name Is Earl when I got in from work.This left me in the ridiculous situation of having to churn out 3250 pushups on the last day.Picture below of a broken man near the end of this challenge.

I don't mind pushups. They are a cheap alternative to grunting in a fitness first and shelling out about a fiver per grunt. They are an exercise I can just about always manage to do whether I am at home, in the park or waiting for a bus when bored. However after doing 3,250 in one day it has been three weeks since my last push up and I honestly don't know when my next one will happen!The form of said pushups dipped dramatically during the week and if I was being marked on them by a marine I probably wouldn't have passed the challenge.I wasn't being marked though so you will have to trust in the fact that after six hours on the Monday night I crept to bed exhausted and with veins screaming out of my big bald forehead. Oh well at least I celebrated with a boiled egg and an apple. Just like Arnie!

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