Monday, May 9, 2011

Number 15: Memorize 50 randomly selected capital cities

From first glance probably a bit of a weird one. The reason for this challenge was a bit of nostalgia and to prove a little point to myself. When I was younger I loved geography. Not geography that you end up getting taught in school that seemed to consist of different types of farming and words like fallow. I used to like learning about different countries and all the different capital cities. When I was eight I must have known every capital in the world and on my ninth birthday I even had a birthday cake that was specially made with a map of the world on it.You are probably thinking:
A) I bet you were beaten up regularly as a child
B) Not much of a challenge if you know them all already is it.
Alas, it came to pass that knowing all the capital cities in the world didn't really impress girls or all the cool kids in school. It became more about who could roll a spliff or look the surliest whilst drinking a bottle of white lightening. It breaks my heart when I look back now and see myself sat in my room looking at my big book of countries, as happy as larry.
Anyway you get the picture so for this challenge to mean anything I knew I had to go further and learn more than just the run of the mill capitals. Which is why most of April saw me wandering around repeating unpronounceable places in my head. Countries such as Madagascar, Liberia, Uzbekistan and Tajikstan and cities such as Antanarivo, Villnius, Abuja and Gaborne became as familiar to my addled brain as the names of the Thundercats. So it was then that I came to be tested by my good friend Laura Hill and filmed on my cousins IPhone, managing to name all fifty with a little help on the last one!If you want to see this challenge in full then check out the link below and remember.....we've all forgotten the capital of Gabon, once in our lives!
Challenge fifteen completed. This one belongs to a cleverer lad than me so I'll give him the glory in the photo

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